اين يمكنك التبليغ عن الاحداث الجانية للأدوية واللقاحات
Where can you Report your Adverse Drug Reactions or Adverse Events Following Immunization
This section provides a comprehensive overview of the procedures and tools available to Healthcare Professionals, Market Authorization Holders and the General Public to report adverse events associated with medicinal products and vaccines in Lebanon.
How to report
You can send the case reports using the following tools:
For Healthcare Professionals and Public
We have developed two user-friendly tools for ADR reporting: The Med Safety App and the e-reporting link, both accessible to healthcare professionals and the general public.
Med Safety Mobile Application:
The Med Safety Mobile Application is the latest tool that the Lebanese National Pharmacovigilance Program adopted to report adverse drug reactions. It was launched on September 2022. By downloading the app, you can easily report adverse events, adverse drug reactions and adverse events following immunization.
How do I get the App?
Search App Store or Google Play for Med Safety
Install the App to your device
When opening the App for the 1st time, the user must select Lebanon
The user is asked to select the language
For further information, you may watch the full tutorial on how to use the app on the below link: