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What Parents Need to Know about their Children

Newborns till 2 months are vulnerable to many risk factors that affect their health and disturb their wellbeing. Parents, especially new ones, need to take some precautions to protect their new baby. Here are some important recommendations to take into consideration after delivery:

  1. The room temperature of the baby should be between 19 and 21 degrees Celsius, should always be ventilated and without humidity.
  1. To shower the baby, the water temperature should be 37 degrees Celsius and the caregiver should not leave the baby alone in water
  1. Taking care of the navel is important because it is vulnerable to infections during the first days; it should be cleaned and dried well
  1. During the first weeks, the baby sleeps for 17 to 18 hours per day and he cannot differentiate between the day and the night. The
 baby wakes up to eat every 3 hours approximately during the first month. It is important to let him sleep in a quiet room, alone and on his back. It is not recommended for the baby to sleep on his side or on his belly.
  1. In case of colic, the baby can be carried and calmed down while massaging his belly
  2. In case of jaundice for more than two weeks, or a dark yellow skin or colorless feces, the caregiver should consult the physician
  3. It is important to wash the hands regularly before touching the baby. Also, it is not recommended to kiss the baby on his mouth or his fingers, even by his mother, and on his face, especially by an ill person to prevent any contamination. Lastly, it is better to prevent visiting crowded places such as malls, public transportation and others because the baby is vulnerable to get infected.
  1. Breastfeeding is always recommended because it has many benefits for the baby and the mother. In case of using bottles, they should always be sterilized. Baby formula should not be used before 6 months
  1. The car seat should fit the baby’s size and should be placed in the backseat.
  1. In case of reflux, the baby should not be fed in bed, while asleep or should be carried directly after eating to help him belch. Also, rice in the milk or prescribed medication can be added to prevent it. Lastly, the reflux is likely to stop after 6 months
  1. It is recommended to give the baby vitamin D everyday (The dose is to be prescribed by the physician)
  1. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) might happen in the first few months, usually in the morning without any previous symptoms. Some of the risk factors are: Smoking during pregnancy, drinking alcohol or drugs, lack of appropriate prenatal care, premature or underweight baby, young mother, inappropriate sleeping or temperature
What is right What is  common and wrong
  • Start feeding the baby solids at 6 months (with physician’s consultation)
  • Stop breastfeeding before the age of 6 months
  • Use a baby walker (youpala) without tires starting from 7 months
  • Use baby walker earlier
  • The mother should not breastfeed the baby during the night after 9 months, rather breast milk should be replaced by water. This maintains regular sleep and good teeth
  • Feed the baby during the night
  • It is recommended that the parents calm their crying baby, during the night, without carrying him and walking (after 5 months)
  • Carry the crying baby to make him stop during the night
  • Baby sleeping in his bed alone
  • Baby sleeping with his parents
  • The mother’s milk contains high amount of lactose, therefore the baby teeth should be cleaned
  • Breast  milk does not cause tooth decay
  • Iron is important for the baby. As for the color of the teeth, it is likely to disappear with appropriate care
  • Not giving iron to the baby because it colors the teeth
  • If the baby still suck his thumb at the age of 4-5 years, then it should be treated
  • Cover the finger of the baby to prevent the thumb-sucking habit
  • This act leads to infections and can cause tooth decay.
  • Think that the mother can clean the baby’s pacifier or spoon with her mouth or that she can blow on the food to cool it down
  • Each child is different than the other and should be treated in a certain way
  • Compare the child to other children
  • Ensure a safe environment for the baby free of smoking, fights and noise
  • Smoking, being noisy and yelling in home while thinking that the baby is not affected
In this age, the baby is trying to discover the world around him; therefore, the parents should protect him from any domestic injury.
Type of domestic injury Reasons Prevention
  • From stairs, windows, balcony, youpala or the bed
  • Slipping on the ground
  • Bed with high sides
  • Closed joints of the bed
  • Do not place tables and chairs next to windows or handrails
  • Lock the doors and the windows in the house
  • Clear any liquid on the ground
  • Keep observing children in high places
  • Sun
  • Fire
  • Hot liquid or body
  • Chemical spills
  • Keep away any type of hot or flammable material
  • Use the backward eye of the oven/ put the cooking receptacles towards the back
  • Do not shower with the baby with a very hot water
  • Put sunscreen
  • Put a barrier in front of the ovenMake sure to have a fire extinguisher at home
Choking and Drowning
  • Swallowing small pieces
  • Putting a bag or pillow on the head
  • Drowning
  • Gas leakage
  • Games that are suitable for the baby (no small pieces)
  • East mashed food
  • Do not leave the child alone near a pool or a bath
  • Baby sleeping on his back
  • Do not use heavy covers for the bed
  • do not let him sleep while the bottle is still in his mouth
Electrical Chocks
  • Electrical equipment
  • Electrical circuit
  • Plug and cover all electrical outlets
  • Keep the electrical equipment away from the child
  • Turn off the devices/ equipments and detach them from electricity if not used
  • Excessive intake of drugs/ pesticides/ cleaning agents.
  • Put all these agents in places that the child cannot reach
  • Do not convince the child to take medications by comparing them to sweets
  • Avoid helping the child to vomit in case of poisening
  • Falling
  • Using unsafe equipments
  • Do not place any dangerous material /equipments/ fans/ glass near the child
  • Be aware of not closing the door on the child’s fingers
  • Do not let him run while holding something that may cause harm
Other accidents
  • Pets in home
  • Easy to open boxes or closets
  • Vaccinated pets
  • Baby not left alone with pets
  • Be aware of boxes or closets that might cause any harm
It is recommended to keep these numbers in mind and call them in case of any type of injury:
Organization Number
Fire Brigade 125
Lebanese Red Cross 140
Blood Bank-Lebanese Red Cross 04/ 972211
Ministry of Public Health- Hot line 1214
Ministry of Social Affairs- Hot line 1714
Do not ignore these tips and say this will not happen to us.. Simple precautions can save your baby’s life!
What is right What is wrong
  • Be close to the child and encourage him to talk about private issues such as early puberty
  • Tell the relatives and the friends about private issues related to the child 
  • Communication is critical to build a strong personality
  • Criticize the child and say bad things to him
  • Listen to his ideas and give him explanations in case of rejection
  • Reject his ideas before even listening
  • Read stories always
  • Not reading stories because he cannot focus
  • Take care of the teeth
  • Ignore cleaning the teeth
  • Make sure that the child eats healthy food, is active and has a proper weight
  • Give sweets always to the child and let him play indoor for hours (TV, I-pad..)
Make sure that the adolescent does not: Make sure that the adolescent does:
Have teeth problem Maintain a good hygiene
Get too tired after being active Sleep regularly and is always active (hobbies, special activities..)
Stay passive all the day Eat healthy food/ have a proper weight
Smoke/ drink alcohol/ addicted to drugs Have a good relation with his family/ friends
Have bad grades Have a good attitude, even in school
Is too moody/ stay alone Have a strong personality/ have a social life
Stay afraid or stressed or complain always Explain to him about his/ her body and sexual issues
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