Achieving Universal Health Coverage is a main goal of the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) National Health Strategy, and is based on the principles of justice, equity, poverty reduction and the rational use of resources. It requires providing quality health care for all, satisfying individual needs while alleviating the financial burden, on households, especially the poor.
Since the development of the national primary healthcare network, scaling up the primary healthcare system and reducing out of pocket payments have been a major goal for the MoPH. However, the Syrian crisis has placed a large and additional burden on the healthcare system in Lebanon with the primary care system at the frontline.
Realizing the urgent need to address the emerging health crisis especially in underserved host communities, the MoPH developed an emergency program aimed at expanding Primary Health Care (PHC) coverage to the uninsured poor in Lebanon. Accordingly, the MOPH developed a basic benefit package of essential preventive healthcare services (vaccination, screening visits...) and pilot tested this model through the World Bank supported project:
Emergency Primary Healthcare Restoration project (EPHRP) (2016-2019). The US$ 15 Million project targeted 150,000 poor Lebanese identified through the National Poverty Targeting Program (NPTP) developed by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Based on the successful implementation of the EPHRP, the MoPH is scaling up the program through a new Lebanon Health Resilience (LHR) Project. LHR aims to increase access to quality health care services to poor Lebanese and displaced Syrians in Lebanon. The main project beneficiaries are as follows:
- Poor Lebanese and displaced Syrians: These vulnerable populations will benefit from improved health services and a more comprehensive package of PHC services that addresses their health needs.
- Primary Health Care Centers. The project will benefit MoPH network by upgrading the capacity of the PHCCs and the skills of health workers and managers to effectively manage the increased demand for health care while delivering quality care during and after the crisis.
- Public hospitals. The project will benefit public hospitals by upgrading and refurbishing their equipment, training their staff, and improving the cash flow to enhance the quality and efficiency of their operation.
- The MoPH. The project will contribute to maintaining the MoPH’s commitment to deliver services to vulnerable populations and will build central-level capacity for planning and project management.