Date: 03/04/2018
Author: Minister Office
Source: MoPH
Health Minister Launches the Second Session of the Future Health Forum with the Participation of IDAL and Libanpost
Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani announced the launch of the second session of Future Health Forum organized by the Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with Al-Iktissad Wal Aamal Group, the different health care entities, IDAL and Libanpost. The forum will be held on 23 April 2018 at Hilton Beirut Metropolitan Palace.
The announcement was made during a press conference held at the Ministry of Public Health. “This Forum we have organized for the second time aims at gathering all the health care entities at the regional and international levels in Lebanon that is not only considered as the East Hospital but also the host of the process of enhancing the services and the medical solutions targeting the health care sector in Lebanon and the region. This forum is also a platform for the discussion of the latest medical, technological and advisory developments for the sector,” Hasbani said.
Hasbani also cited the success of the forum’s first session: “We have launched on the first session of the forum the Ministry’s new strategy “health 2025”. In spite of the financial pressures the Health care sector is enduring in Lebanon, our country is still ranking first in the Arab World and came in 32nd at the international level as to the health care services, and we hope that this sector remains a pioneer in the region.”
Abou Zaki
“Al-Iktissad Wal Aamal Group follows up the efforts of the Ministry of Public health to establish this sector on firm foundations in order to achieve the universal health care coverage. In parallel, it follows up the initiatives of the private health care sector through its various and comprehensive components of which achievements have contributed in the establishment of an important vital sector at the regional level. This was done thanks to its human resources that held high positions in several regional and international institutions,” said the Executive manager of Al-Iktissad Wal Aamal Group Raouf Abou Zaki.
Lebanon benefits from comparable advantages in this sector thanks to its location, climate, outstanding physicians, the specialized workforce and the adoption of the latest technologies in this sector. This made the country a platform for the hospitalization tourism in the region based on several pillars, such as the low-cost treatment and the quality of the services,” said IDAL chairperson Nabil Itani.
The Finance and managing Director of LibanPost Chadi Moughames thanked Minister Hasbani for launching the Future Health Forum. “LibanPost is proud to be one of the partners of the forum. The company will collaborate with the Ministry of Public Health in future projects to help the citizens complete their paperworks in the Ministry.”